Altcoin News

What is Osmosis (OSMO) Coin?

Osmosis is an automated market maker protocol for the ATOM ecosystem. OSMO Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Osmosis platform. The platform was created to create liquidity and use coins with the IBC feature. What is Osmosis?

Osmosis is an automated market maker (AMM) built with the Cosmos SDK, it specializes in the InterchainDeFi movement (Tendermint-based blockchains) in the Cosmos ecosystem. In other words, it is a decentralized exchange built specifically for Cosmos, with plans to expand to more blockchains. Osmosis is designed to be cross-chain local, and like many Cosmos projects, it was built to be IBC compliant at its core.

The platform plans to branch out into IBC-inactive chains such as Ethereum-based ERC20s (via Althea gravity bridge), Bitcoin-like chains, and alternative smart contract platforms (via custom latches). OSMO coin is the governance token of Osmosis.

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