DeFi News

DeFi Coins Continue To Be in Demand in Crypto Markets

While the average trading volume of the last 24 hours has decreased to 70 billion dollars, the total market value of cryptocurrencies, which are acting with light buyers, is close to 850 billion dollars today. After falling to the 15.800 dollars band yesterday, Bitcoin moved volatilely, rising to 17.000 dollars. The biggest cryptocurrency, which closed the day with a plus, is moving mostly horizontally at 16.850 dollars today. This level stands out as the price in the Bitcoin market, which it has used as support and then resistance since the weekend.

Ethereum dropped as low as 1.200 dollars after meeting resistance at 1.265 dollars in yesterday’s surge in demand. The crypto money, which started the new day with a buyer, is again stuck at the resistance of 1.265 dollars before the US session.

The prominent altcoin in the top 10 cryptocurrencies today was XRP. XRP continues to find buyers in the 0.38 dollars band, maintaining an average of 10% gains in the last 24-hour price action. BNB, on the other hand, is the most sold crypto currency in the top 10, with a decrease of 2.65% and moving close to 275 dollars today. BNB faced resistance at 280 dollars in intraday trading.

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2021 Yılında Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümünden mezun oldum. Çalışma hayatımın başlangıcından bu yana farklı sektörlerde deneyim sahibi olma fırsatı yakaladım. Aldığım eğitimin de katkısıyla yazı yazmayı faydalı bir alışkanlık haline getirdim ve freelance İçerik Yazarlığı yaparak bu becerimi profesyonel anlamda da geliştirdim. İlk reklam ajansı deneyimim sayesinde sosyal medyaya içerik yazma fırsatım oldu. SEO uyumlu içerikler, bloglar ve İngilizce makalelerin yanı sıra yaratıcı yazarlık alanında da çalışmalar ortaya koymaya devam ediyorum.
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